Selected Publications
View Dr. Brunet's Research Gate Profile for further publications
Book Chapters
Sabiston CM, & Brunet J (2019). Sport, exercise and body image. In PRE Crocker. Sport and exercise psychology: a Canadian perspective (4th Ed.). Pearson Education Canada.
Brunet J, & Sabiston CM. (2017). Self-presentation concerns in physical activity and sport. In T Horn & A Smith. Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology (4th Ed.). Human Kinetics. Inc.
Sabiston CM, Gilchrest J, & Brunet J. (2017). Body image in sport, exercise, and physical activity. In T Horn & A Smith. Advances in Sport and Exercise Psychology (4th Ed.), pp. 371-399. Human Kinetics. Inc.
Peer-reviewed Publications (Published, In-Press, or Accepted)
Cox AE, Brunet J, McMahon AK, & Price J. (accepted). A qualitative study exploring middle-aged women’s experiences with yoga. J Women Aging.
Brunet J, Price J, Wurz A, McDonough MH, & Nantel J. (2021). Boxing with Parkinson’s Disease: findings from a qualitative study. Disabil Rehabil.
Price J, & Brunet J. (2021). Feasibility and acceptability of a telehealth behaviour change intervention for rural living young adult cancer survivors. J Psychosoc Oncol.
Brunet J, del Duchetto F, & Wurz A. (2021). Physical activity behaviours and attitudes among women with an eating disorder: a qualitative study. J Eat Disord, 9.
Wurz A, Price J, & Brunet J. (2021). Understanding adolescents’ and young adults’ self-perceptions after cancer treatment in the context of a two-arm, mixed-methods pilot randomized controlled physical activity trial. Support Care Cancer.
Brunet J, Price J, & Delluc C. (2021). An exercise trial for adults undergoing neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy for rectal cancer proves not feasible: recommendations for future trials. BMC Trials, 22.
Brunet J, & Price J. (2021). A scoping review of measures used to assess body image in women with breast cancer. Psychooncology.
Lambert M, Sabiston C, Wrosch C, & Brunet J. (2021). Behavioural, physical, and psychological predictors of cortisol and C-reactive protein in breast cancer survivors: a longitudinal study. Brain Behav Immun - Health, 10, 100180.
Brunet J, Barrett-Bernstein M, Zadravec K, Taljaard M, LeVasseur N, Srikanthan A, Bland KA, Collins B, Kam JWY, Handy TC, Hayden S, Simmons C, Smith AM, Virji-Babul N, & Campbell KL. (2020). Study protocol of the Aerobic exercise and CogniTIVe functioning in women with breAsT cancEr (ACTIVATE) trial: a two-arm, two-centre randomized controlled trial. BMC Cancer, 20, 711.
Brunet J, Wurz A, & Srivastava D. (2020). The process of self-management: a qualitative case study reporting on cancer survivors’ and staffs’ experiences within one self-management support intervention. Health Educ Behav, 47, 592-601.
Lambert M, Sabiston CM, Wrosch C, & Brunet J. (2020). An investigation into socio-demographic, health, and cancer-related factors associated with cortisol and C-reactive protein patterns in breast cancer survivors: a longitudinal study. J. Breast Cancer, 27, 1096-1106.
Price J, Barrett-Bernstein M, Wurz A, Karvinen K, & Brunet J. (2020). Health beliefs and engagement in moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity among cancer survivors: a cross-sectional study. Support Care Cancer, 29, 477-484.
Brunet J, Abi Nader P, Barrett-Bernstein M, & Karvinen K. (2020). Investigating physical activity knowledge and beliefs as correlates of behaviour in the general population: a cross-sectional study. Psychol Health & Med.
Brunet J, Wurz A, Abi Nader P, & Bélanger M. (2020). A systematic review summarizing the effect of health care provider-delivered physical activity interventions on physical activity behaviour in cancer survivors. Patient Educ Couns, 10, 1287-1301.
Teixeira P, Marques M, Silva M, Brunet J, Duda J, Haerens L, La Guardia J, Lindwall, M, & Lonsdale C, Markland D, Michie S, Moller A, Ntoumanis N, Patrick H, Reeve J, Ryan R, Sebire S, Standage M, Vansteenkiste M, Weinstein N, Weman-Josefsson K, Williams G, & Hagger M. (2020). A classification of motivation and behavior change techniques used in self-determination theory-based interventions in health contexts. Motiv Sci, 6, 438-455.
Baillot A, Black MM*, Brunet J, & Romain AJ. (2020). Biopsychosocial correlates of physical activity and sedentary time in adults with severe obesity. Clin Obes, 10(3), e12355.
Price J, Wurz A, Ramphal R, Wilson K, & Brunet J. (2020). Using a dyadic approach to explore parental support for physical activity among young cancer survivors. Disabil Rehabil.
Barrett-Bernstein M, Wurz A, & Brunet J. (2020). Posttraumatic growth and its correlates among survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer: A brief report. J Psychosoc Oncol, 38, 228-234.
Wurz A, & Brunet J. (2020). Describing and exploring self-esteem, physical self-perceptions, physical activity, and self-efficacy in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors. Eur J Cancer Care, 29(1), e13179.
Brunet J, Howell D, Au D, Jones JM, Bradley H, Berlingeri A, & Santa Mina D. (2020). Predictors of cancer survivors’ response to a community-based exercise program. Psychol Sport Exerc, 47, 101529.
Brunet J, Tulloch HE, Wolfe Phillips E, Reid RD, Pipe AL, & Reed JL. (2019). Motivation predicts change in nurses’ physical activity during a worksite Internet-based worksite intervention: results from a randomized trial. J Med Internet Res, 22(9), e11543.
Wurz A, & Brunet J. (2019). Exploring the feasibility and acceptability of a mixed-methods pilot randomized controlled trial testing a 12-week physical activity intervention with adolescent and young adult cancer survivors. Pilot & Feasibility Studies, 5, 154.
Price J & Brunet J. (2019). Telehealth coaching for rural-living young adult cancer survivors. Health Educ J, 1-13.
Grimmett C, Corbett T, Brunet J, Shepherd, J, Pinto B, May C, & Foster C. (2019). Systematic review and meta-analysis of maintenance of physical activity behaviour change in cancer survivors. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 16, 37.
Wurz A & Brunet J. (2019). Exploring physical self-perceptions among survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer. J Adolesc Young Adul Oncol, 8, 373-378.
Lambert M, Brunet J, Couture-Lalande M-E, & Bielajew C. (2019). Aerobic physical activity and salivary cortisol levels among women with a history of breast cancer. Complement Ther Med, 42, 12-18.
Saunders S, & Brunet J. (2018). A qualitative study exploring what it takes to be physically active with a stoma after surgery for rectal cancer. Support Care Cancer, 27(40), 1481-1489.
Sabiston CM, Wrosch C, Fong AJ, Brunet J, O’Loughlin J, Gaudreau P, & Meterrisian S. (2018). Life after breast cancer: moving on, sitting down, or standing still? A prospective study protocol. BMJ Open, 8, e021770.
Brunet J, Wurz A, & Shallwani S M. (2018). A scoping review of studies exploring physical activity among adolescents and young adults diagnosed with cancer. Psychooncology, 27(8), 1875-1888.
Gunnell KE, Brunet J, & Bélanger M. (2018). Out with the old, in with the new: assessing change in screen time when a measure changes over time. Prev Med Rep, 9, 37-41.
Brunet J, O’Loughlin J, Gunnell KE, & Sabiston CM. (2017). Physical activity and depressive symptoms after breast cancer: cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships. Health Psychol, 37(1), 14-23.
Brunet J, Wing EK, Gaudet J, & Bélanger M. (2017). Parents’ participation in physical activity predicts maintenance of some, but not all, types of physical activity in offspring during early adolescence: a prospective longitudinal study. J Sport Health Sci, 8, 273-279. PubMed ID: PMC6525103. IF: 1.685.
Bélanger M, Wolfe Phillips E, O’Rielly C, Mallet B, Aubé S, Doucet M, Couturier J, Mallet M, Martin J, Gaudet C, Murphy N, & Brunet J. (2017). A longitudinal qualitative study describing family physicians’ experience with attempting to integrate physical activity prescriptions in their practice: “It’s not easy to change habits.” BMJ Open, 7, 7.
Wurz A & Brunet J. (2017). Evaluating questionnaires used to assess self-reported physical activity and psychosocial outcomes among survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer: a cognitive interview study. J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol, 6, 482-488.
Burke S, Brunet J, Wurz A, & Ultley A. (2017). Cycling through cancer: exploring childhood cancer survivors’ experiences of well- and ill-being. Adapt Phys Activ Quart, 34, 345-361.
Silva M, Sánchez-Oliva D, Brunet J, Williams G, Teixeira P, & Palmeira AL. (2017). “What goes around comes around”: antecedents, mediators, and consequences of controlling versus need-supportive motivational strategies used by exercise professionals. Ann Behav Med, 51, 707-717.
Burke S, Wurz A, Bradshaw A, Saunders S, West MA, & Brunet J. (2017). Physical activity and quality of life in cancer survivors: a meta-synthesis of qualitative research. Cancers, 9, 5.
Brunet J, Guérin E, & Speranzini N. (2017). An examination of exercise-induced feeling states in older adults and their association with future participation. J Aging Phys Activ, 26, 52-60.
Brunet J, Burke S, Grocott MPW, Jack S, & West M. (2017). The effects of exercise on pain, fatigue, insomnia, and health perceptions in patients with operable advanced stage rectal cancer prior to surgery. BMC Cancer, 17, 153.
Brunet J, Saunders S, Gifford W, Thomas R, & Hamilton R. (2017). An exploratory qualitative study of the meaning and value of a running/walking clinic for women after a diagnosis of breast cancer. Disab Rehab, 40, 1041-1048.
Brunet J, Pila E, Solomon-Krakus S, Sabiston CM, & O’Loughlin J. (2017). Self-esteem moderates the association between body-related self-conscious emotions and depressive symptoms. J Health Psychol, 1, 1-11.
Gunnell KE, Brunet J, Sabiston CM, & Bélanger M. (2017). Linking psychological need satisfaction and physical activity to dimensions of health-related quality of life during adolescence: a test of direct, reciprocal, and mediating effects. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 38, 367-380.
Brunet J, Gunnell KE, Teixeira P, Sabiston CM, Bélanger M. (2016). Should we be looking at the forest or the trees? Overall psychological needs satisfaction and individual needs as predictors of physical activity. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 38, 317-330.
Wurz A, & Brunet J. (2016). The effects of physical activity interventions on health and quality of life in adolescent cancer survivors: a systematic review. JMIR Cancer, 2, e6.
Wing EK*, Bélanger M, & Brunet J. (2016). Linking parental influences and youth participation in physical activity in- and out-of-school: the mediating role of self-efficacy and enjoyment. Am J Health Behav, 40, 31-37. PubMed ID: 26685811. IF: 1.31.
Brunet J, & St-Aubin A*. (2015). Fostering cancer survivors’ positive experience within group-based exercise classes: the importance of the instructor and climate. Disabil Rehabil, 22, 1-9.
Gunnell KE, Bélanger M, & Brunet J. (2015). A tale of two models: changes in psychological need satisfaction and physical activity over 3 years. Health Psychol, 34, 167-177.
Bélanger M, Couturier E, Dion N, Girouard V, Phillips J, & Brunet J. (2015). Family physicians’ perceptions towards writing physical activity prescriptions: I tell patients it’s like the super pill! Qual Primary Care, 23, 113-121.
Brunet J, Gunnell KE, Gaudreau P, & Sabiston CM. (2015). An integrative analytical framework for understanding the effects of autonomous and controlled motivation. Pers Individ Dif, 84, 2-15.
Gunnell KE, Brunet J, Wing EK, & Bélanger M. (2015). Measuring perceived barriers to physical activity in adolescents. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 27, 252-261. PubMed ID: 25679535.
Wurz A, St-Aubin A, & Brunet J. (2015). Breast cancer survivors’ barriers and motives to participating in a group-based physical activity program offered in the community. Support Care Cancer, 23, 2407-2416.
Burke S, West M, Grocott MPW, Brunet J, & Jack S. (2015). Exploring the experience of adhering to a presurgical exercise program for patients with advanced rectal cancer: a phenomenological study. Psychol Sport Exerc, 16, 88-95.
Brunet J, Amireault S, Chaiton M, & Sabiston CM. (2014). Identification and prediction of physical activity trajectories in women treated for breast cancer. Ann Epidemiol, 24, 837-842. PubMed ID: 25174285.
Brunet J, Sabiston CM, Barnett TA, Mathieu M-E, O’Loughlin J, Tremblay A, & Lambert M. (2014). Perceived parental social support and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in children at risk of obesity. Res Quart Exer Sport, 85, 198-207.
Brunet J, Sabiston CM, O’Loughlin EK, Chaiton M, Low NCP, & O’Loughlin J. (2014). Symptoms of depression are longitudinally associated with sedentary behaviors among young men but not among young women. Prev Med, 60, 16-20.
Brunet J, Love C, Ramphal R, & Sabiston CM. (2014). Stress and physical activity in young adults treated for cancer: the moderating role of social support. Support Care Cancer, 22, 689-695.
Brunet J, Sabiston CM, & Gaudreau PA. (2014). A prospective investigation of the relationships between self-presentation processes and physical activity in women treated for breast cancer. Health Psychol, 33, 205-213.
Burke S, Brunet J, Sabiston CM, Jack S, Grocott MPW, & West M. (2013). Patients’ perceptions of quality of life during active treatment for locally advanced rectal cancer: the importance of preoperative exercise. Support Care Cancer, 21, 3345-3353.
Brunet J, Taran S*, Burke S, & Sabiston CM. (2013). A qualitative exploration of barriers and motivators to physical activity participation in women treated for breast cancer. Disabil Rehabil, 35, 2038-2045.
Brunet J, Sabiston CM, & Burke S. (2013). Surviving breast cancer: women’s experiences with their changed bodies. Body Image, 10, 344–351.
Brunet J, Burke S, & Sabiston CM. (2013). The benefits of being self-determined in promoting physical activity and affective well-being among women recently treated for breast cancer. Psychooncology, 22, 2245-2252.
Brunet J, Sabiston CM, Chaiton M, Low NCP, O’Loughlin EK, Barnett TA, & O’Loughlin J. (2012). The association between past and current physical activity and depressive symptoms in young adults: a 10-year prospective study. Ann Epidemiol, 23, 25-30.
Brunet, J, Castonguay AL, Ferguson L, Bessette N, & Sabiston CM. (2012). The association between body-related self-discrepancies and women’s physical activity: the mediating role of motivation. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 34, 102-123.
Sabiston CM, & Brunet J. (2012). Reviewing the benefits of physical activity during cancer survivorship. Am J Lifestyle Med, 6, 154-164.
Brunet J, & Sabiston CM. (2011). Self-presentation and physical activity in breast cancer survivors: the moderating effect of social cognitive constructs. J Sport Exerc Psychol, 33, 759-778.
Brunet J, & Sabiston CM. (2011). In the company we keep: experiences of social physique anxiety differ around parents and peers. J Health Psychol, 16, 42-49.
Brunet J, & Sabiston CM. (2010). Exploring motivation for physical activity across the adult lifespan. Psychol Sport Exerc, 12, 99-105.
Brunet J, Sabiston CM, Dorsch KD, & McCreary DR. (2010). Exploring a model linking social physique anxiety, drive for muscularity, drive for thinness, and self-esteem in adolescent boys and girls. Body Image, 7, 137-142.
Brunet J, McDonough M, Hadd V, Crocker PRE, & Sabiston CM. (2010). The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory: an examination of the factor structure and invariance among breast cancer survivors. Psychooncology, 19, 803-838.
Brunet J, & Sabiston CM. (2009). Social physique anxiety and physical activity: a self-determination theory perspective. Psychol Sport Exerc, 10, 329-335.