Members of the Physical Activity and Health Promotion Laboratory conduct research that centers on:
Physical activity psychology
Psychosocial mechanisms and consequences of behaviour change
Motivation and self-regulation
Development, implementation and evaluation of interventions to increase physical activity and improve health-related outcomes (i.e., physical and mental) and cognitive functioning
Health-related outcomes (e.g., brain health, cognitive function, quality of life, depression, body image) associated with physical activity
Measurement and advanced data analysis
Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
Observational and experimental study designs
eHealth and mHealth interventions
​Take a look at our ongoing studies below!
Ongoing Trials
PhysicAl aCtivity Counselling for young adult cancEr SurvivorS: The ACCESS trial
PI: Dr. Jennifer Brunet
Status: Recruitment closed
The goal of this study is to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of delivering a 12-week behaviour-support intervention with physical activity counsellors through videoconferencing sessions. The main aims of the sessions are to provide young adult cancer survivors with the support, knowledge, skills, and confidence to identify and overcome challenges with engaging in physical activity.
For info, contact Darien:
Tel: 613-562-5800 x 7300
Aerobic exercise and CogniTIVe functioning in women with breAsT cancEr: The ACTIVATE trial
PIs: Drs. Jennifer Brunet & Kristin Campbell
Status: Recruitment closed
To evaluate the impact of a supervised aerobic exercise intervention on chemotherapy-related cognitive changes (CRCC) in women diagnosed with early stage breast cancer. This study will test whether exercise during chemotherapy can prevent and/or mitigate CRCC and its negative impact on quality of life among women with breast cancer, and whether the timing of intervention matters.
For info, contact Darien:
Tel: 613-562-5800 x 7300
Assessing clinical and neural outcomes in depressed youth randomized to one of two intensities
of aerobic exercise
PI: Dr. Natalia Jaworska
Status: Currently recruiting
Using EEG and fMRI techniques, this goal of this study is to assess the effects of a 12-week aerobic exercise intervention on the brain, mood, and on both psychosocial and cognitive functioning in depressed youth aged 16-24-years.
For info/participation, contact Corrine:
Tel: 613-722-6521 x 6255
Ongoing Cross-Sectional Studies
A physical activity social support webinar for those caring for young adult cancer survivors
PI: Jenson Price (PhD Candidate)
Status: Currently recruiting
Young adults often need support from significant/caring others to achieve their physical activity goals after cancer treatment, but these individuals don’t always know how to provide this support.
We are conducting a study to evaluate a 30-min educational webinar on social support for physical activity. We are recruiting young adult cancer survivors and their significant/caring others.
For info/participation, contact Jenson:
Tel: 613-562-5800 x 7300
A study to understand women's experiences after a gynecologic cancer diagnosis
PI: Jenson Price (PhD Candidate)
Status: Currently recruiting
We aim to better understand women’s thoughts and feelings towards their bodies after being diagnosed with gynecologic cancer, and how these thoughts and feelings may influence their behaviors and relationship with others, as well as the benefits women see to engaging in yoga after being diagnosed with gynecologic cancer.
For info/participation, contact Jenson:
Tel: 613-562-5800 x 7300
Self-perceptions and yoga in cancer survivors
PI: Jenson Price (PhD Candidate)
Status: Currently recruiting
We want to better understand participation in yoga and how it relates to the image adults have of themselves and the extent to which they like, accept, and approve of themselves after primary cancer treatment.
Follow the link below to a secure survey which contains a consent form with additional info about the study and the 20-30 minute online survey.
For info/participation, contact Jenson:
Tel: 613-562-5800 x 7300
Cognitive function and physical activity in adolescents and young adults treated for cancer
PI: Sitara Sharma (PhD Student)
Status: Recruitment closed
Cancer survivors often report reduced quality of life due to troubles with cognitive function and psychological distress during and/or after cancer treatments. We aim to better understand how cancer-related cognitive impairment affects adolescent and young adult cancer survivors, as well as the potential role of physical activity as a moderator between cognitive function and quality of life in this understudied group.
For info, contact Sitara:
Tel: 613-562-5800 x 7300
Ongoing Reviews
Women's experiences participating in yoga following a cancer diagnosis: A qualitative meta-synthesis
PI: Jenson Price (PhD Candidate)
Status: Analyzing data
We are conducting a systematic review of qualitative articles exploring women’s experiences with participating in yoga after a cancer diagnosis to generate an overarching narrative that provides insight into women’s’ needs, preferences, motives, and barriers in regards to yoga programs.
A scoping review of studies exploring physical activity and cognition among persons diagnosed with cancer
PI: Dr. Jennifer Brunet
Status: Extracting data
We are conducting a scoping review to a) determine the extent, range, and nature of published studies on physical activity and cognitive function among persons of all ages that are diagnosed with cancer, b) identify knowledge gaps, and c) provide directions for future research.
Engaging woMen diagnosed with BReAst cancer to develop a program to improve body imagE: EMBRACE project
PI: Dr. Jennifer Brunet
Status: Screening articles for inclusion
We are conducting a systematic review to assess the current evidence for feasibility and acceptability of psychosocial interventions for body image in women diagnosed with breast cancer. The goal is to generate recommendations for practice and priorities for future research.
Women's experiences participating in yoga following a cancer diagnosis: A 2-part qualitative meta-synthesis
PI: Jenson Price (PhD Candidate)
Status: Published
We are conducting a systematic review of qualitative articles exploring women's experiences with participating in yoga after a cancer diagnosis to generate an overarching narrative that provides insight into women's needs, preferences, motives, and barriers in regards to yoga programs.
A scoping review of studies exploring physical activity and cognition among persons diagnosed with cancer
PIs: Dr. Jennifer Brunet
Status: Published
We are conducting a scoping review to a) determine the extent, range, and nature of published studies on physical activity and cognitive function among persons of all ages that are diagnosed with cancer, b) identify knowledge gaps, and c) provide directions for future research.
Engaging woMen diagnosed with BReAst cancer to develop a program to improve body imagE: EMBRACE project
PI: Dr. Jennifer Brunet
Status: Analyzing data
We are conducting a systematic review to assess the current evidence for feasibility and acceptability of psychosocial interventions for body image in women diagnosed with breast cancer. The goal is to generate recommendations for practice and priorities for future research.